Friday, November 10, 2017

HFM (EPMA) Taskflows in Tasklist

Problem Area: Inorder to execute or manage a taskflow, one has to navigate through EPMA or Consolidation Administration (in HFM Opening taskflow page directly from HFM tasklist is simple and convenient.

1. Taskflow is module of EPMA. To get a list of EPMA modules that can be directly opened from Tasklist go to:


- <!--  ADS Ends
  <module id="awb.smartlist" namespace="com.hyperion.awb.web.smartlist" adfUri="" handlerClass="Handler" helpIndexUri="launch.html" />
  <module id="awb.upgrade" namespace="com.hyperion.awb.web.upgrade" adfUri="" handlerClass="Handler" helpUri="epma_app_upgrade.html" helpBasePath="." helpWindow="EPMA" helpIndexUri="launch.html" />
  <module id="awb.taskflow" namespace="com.hyperion.awb.web.taskflow" adfUri="" handlerClass="Handler" singleton="true" helpUri="epma_taskflows.html" helpBasePath="." helpWindow="EPMA" helpIndexUri="launch.html" />


2. Create a new 'Link' in HFM with the following URL:


3. Add the 'Link' to the Tasklist:

Note: This by default shows the status page of tasflow. To execute/manage the taskflow click, Administration > Manage Taskflow

Note 2: Here is good guide to configuring taskflow roles for individual taskflows by creating new roles and using assign control:

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Mounting a new partition [Ubuntu]

1. Create partition using fdisk.
I created a new parition, primary.
lsblk (to see partitions)

2. Format partition to Ext4
sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda4

3.Get UUID for partition
sudo blkid

4. Make directory to mount partition
mkdir /partition

4. Append to /etc/fstab
sudo nano /etc/fstab
UUID=foo-bar    /partition   ext4    defaults    0   1

5. Reboot system

6. Alternatively mkdir and chown for user access

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Excel cheatsheet

Go to referenced cell:
Ctrl + [ : Go to precedent cell
Ctrl + ] : Go to dependent cell


Concatenate cells faster:
Ctrl + Select Cells

It will insert cells separated by comma


Copy Text from cell:
 e.g. 123 - String of lines


FIND() will look for "-"
MID() will start from one character after "-" and end after length of cell

Use with =TRIM() to remove trailing space

Autofill Shortcut:
Create a sequence e.g. A01, A02, A03
Select the sequence with extra blank cells to extrapolate

Alt + E + I + S  > Type : AutoFill

Sum Shortcut:
Alt + =
This inserts the sum function. Now just select the range.

Calculate Sum of filtered cells:
9 - Function for Sum

The SUBTOTAL function ignores any rows that are not included in the result of a filter, no matter which function_num value you use


Calculate Sum based on Criteria:

Range: C8:C172 (e.g. Automotive, Realty, Others..)
Criteria: B200 (e.g. Automotive)
Sum Range: E8:E172 (e.g. Values adjacent to Automotive)

SUMIF function is used to sum the values in a range that meet criteria that you specify


Convert Number to Text:
Useful when doing a VLOOKUP with text values.
E.g read number 100 as text 100